Stolen Pigeon

Recently had the experience of having this image stolen from me. At first I was angry. I know other artists who have had the same thing happen to them but never thought it would happen to me. I didn't think my work had that kind of reach. I immediately confront this person and to his credit, he immediately took responsibility. We found an amicable solution.

A few weeks later and I'm no longer angry. I am now flattered. I love this image and I'm glad others enjoy it too. This experience has made me think about how we all create, share and consuming in the digital age. I can't imagine how many images I see daily, or even how many words I read, not to mention the videos I watch. I have never stolen work. I'm guilty for taking for granted how content influences my personal creative process. Posting work online and on social media is like being in a deep canyon. On one edge, many people see your work. On the other, your work stops being your own. It's instead thrown into the cycle of ignorant consumption and part culture online.

My pigeon photograph has now a new story. It's a stolen pigeon. I now I have renewed appreciation for real life objects of art and for the grind that goes into making it. I will now support creatives by buying content. It's the fair price for the toil.

A limited edition of this original can me purchased in my store. Here is the link:

Bruno Poco
